My photography is largely inspired by the values that I cherish the most - joy of life, feeling of mystery and a sense of humor
This website is the result of my experiences, at home and abroad. It is a visual declaration of love to the planet. When I am outside my attention is not only drawn to light, colors and shapes, but also to situations, histories and gestures, combining human and objectual elements. In the process I am looking for a clean and tidy scenery, eliminating distracting elements while avoiding typical, boring motives. For me photography is freedom, the only thing you need is a camera, the rest is just happening. 
The challenge is to transform an ordinary scene into a special moment that is filled with mystery, emotion and the possibility for open interpretations to the viewer. When out, I don’t think too much about what to shoot, I just enjoy walking around, looking for surprises. Eventually something intriguing will happen, you only need to open your eyes and feed your imagination. Amid the abundance of artificial and manufactured visual pollution that pervades our quotidian lives, these pictures remind the viewer of the reality that we live in. Real experiences are valuable, precious and should be cherished more.
From the beginning: 
- Born in Starnberg (Bavaria, Germany)
- Studying in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Russia
- Working in Germany, Nicaragua, Peru and Denmark 
- Interested in Photography since I was roaming around in the urban jungles of Latin America​
- Professionally working as an Strategy & Innovation Consultant in Munich, Germany
- Working with Olympus
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